We’re living in a time where the diverse members of God’s family in America have lost the way to kinship with one another. We are segregated in our theological bubbles, our political in-groups, and our socio-economic categories. We often can’t even manage to have a civil conversation over important topics relevant to our lives and God’s work in the world.

We know it’s a problem. We feel the wrongness in dividing Christ’s Body in the name of Christ. Yet, we’re unsure what to do about it. Where do we even begin to solve this problem that seems so out of control?

This was the question that I researched, workshopped, and prototyped for three years as part of my doctoral project, driven by the goal of fostering kinship amid diversity in Christian communities. Scores of scholarly works, piles of books, multiple expert interviews, several stakeholder workshops, gallons of coffee, and miles of pacing the floors of my home resulted in a model I call Story Communion©.

Story Communion is built around five key components: powerful storytelling, deep listening, transformative conversation, sacred space, and a meaningful meal. This model enables diverse communities to come together in a sacred space to engage in God-drenched storytelling and collective reflection that creates the opportunity for us to return to ourselves and to one another. The goal is to engage in an unforgettable experience with folks we don’t yet know. The guiding question for a Story Communion is: where is God’s activity and presence in your life? As we explore that question together, in meaningful conversation and sacred practices, we experience a mending of the divide in real-time.

Story Communion is a practical, actionable, repeatable, and affordable tool to help leaders of diverse communities come together and foster kinship.

I created a guidebook to inspire and aid leaders in hosting their own Story Communions, and I offer consultation and full-scale hosting services as well. I would be honored to come alongside you as you work to re-build what has been broken in the Church. Together we can replace anxiety with action and help restore shalom, one sacred meal at a time.

If you are interested in Story Communion© services, please fill out the contact form below.